Blog - 5 star NetSuite ERP Solution Provider - Annexa Australia

Eleven NetSuite keyboard shortcuts & search tips (plus a printable)

Written by Ally Woodlock | Dec 5, 2023 4:04:26 AM

Whether you're using NetSuite on a PC or a Mac, this guide will prove to be an invaluable tool. It's filled with useful shortcuts and search tips designed to streamline your daily tasks and enhance your productivity. 

 Bookmark this page or download the printable - complete with instructions for both Mac or PC users. 

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1. Global shortcuts 
  • Alt + G (Windows) / Option + G (Mac): Access the global search bar 
  • Alt + S (Windows) / Option + S (Mac): Save a record 
  • Alt + A (Windows) / Option + A (Mac): Save and add another record 
  • Alt + R (Windows) / Option + R (Mac): Save and return to the previous page 
  • Alt + X (Windows) / Option + X (Mac): Cancel a transaction or close a window 
  • Alt + L (Windows) / Option + L (Mac): View the list of the current record type 
  • Alt + E (Windows) / Option + E (Mac): Edit the current record 
  • Alt + K (Windows) / Option + K (Mac): Open the shortcuts popup 
2. Navigation shortcuts 
  • Alt + Arrow Down/Up (Windows) / Option + Arrow Down/Up (Mac): Navigate through sublist lines 
  • Alt + Page Down/Up (Windows) / Option + Page Down/Up (Mac): Scroll through sublists 
  • Alt + F (Windows) / Option + F (Mac): Move to the first sublist line 
  • Alt + O (Windows) / Option + O (Mac): Move to the last sublist line 
3. Date field shortcuts 
  • Alt + ; (Windows) / Option + ; (Mac): Insert today's date 
  • + / - (Windows/Mac): Increase/decrease date by one day 
  • Alt + ' (Windows) / Option + ' (Mac): Clear the date field 
  • t (Windows/Mac): Autofill with today’s date 
  • y (Windows/Mac): Autofill with the previous day’s date 
  • Shift + t (Windows/Mac): Autofill with the next day’s date 
  • m (Windows/Mac): Autofill with the last day of the current month 
4. Miscellaneous shortcuts 
  • Ctrl + Alt + S (Windows) / Control + Option + S (Mac): Submit the primary button on a page 
  • Ctrl + Alt + F (Windows) / Control + Option + F (Mac): Jump to the first field in a form 
  • Ctrl + Alt + L (Windows) / Control + Option + L (Mac): Log out of NetSuite 
  • Ctrl + Alt + H (Windows) / Control + Option + H (Mac): Access NetSuite's help center 
5. Specific record type search 
  • Use the first three letters of a record type with a colon or caret (e.g., cus: for customer, con^ for contact, inv^ for invoice, emp: for employee). 
6. Search modifiers 
  • Use apostrophes for exact matches (e.g., “Ace Chemicals”). 
  • Add % at the end of a term for records starting with those letters (e.g., tech%). 
  • Use % around numbers for records containing that number (e.g., %495%). 
  • Use an underscore between numbers for customer numbers starting and ending with those numerals (e.g., Cu: 4_5). 
7. Advanced search techniques  
  • Use “OR” between terms for simultaneous searches (e.g., Te% OR Tech% OR Techno%). 
  • Hover over the circular arrow in the top-left corner to view your 12 most recently viewed records. Click to open or hover and click edit to modify the record. 
  • Capitalise the search prefix to open records in edit mode when clicked (e.g., Cus:Annexa). 
8. Wildcard (%) character in searches
  • The percent sign (%) acts as a wildcard, and can replace any number of characters in a search term. For example: inv% for all records starting with "inv." 

9. Plus (+) for inactive records in searches

  • The plus sign (+) includes inactive records in search results. For example: +customer for both active and inactive customer records. 

10. Common prefixes for searches

  • sea: for saved searches. 
  • page: for navigating directly to specific NetSuite pages. 
  • cus: for customers. 
  • emp: for employees. 
  • inv: for invoices. 
  • item: for inventory items. 

11. Advanced use of prefixes in searches

  • Combine prefixes with other search modifiers for refined searches. 
  • Example: emp:John% for employees named John. 

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